We bet you are all experts at home schooling by now. A big well done from all of us.

It would be great if you shared tips with us to resettle our children into our routines.

As you may be aware the government has asked early years setting to resume on the 1st of June. Although this is subject to change, we are preparing as if it would not.

Please be aware the Croydon Council has not as yet given the permission to begin to use our building. We will keep you updated.

Many of us would be worried about the safety of our children in returning to the nursery; understandably so, but please be assured that the safety, safeguarding and well-being of our children and staff are paramount in our planning.

If we are advised otherwise about the opening of the nursery, we will not open except to children of key workers who need childcare.

We are still taking the time to interpret and understand the government guidelines regarding re-opening the early years setting. However, we want you to be aware of the measures we will be putting in place to keep your children safe in our care.

What we will be doing

  • The setting will be thoroughly risk assessed daily.
  • Arrival and departure would be staggered to avoid cluster of parents. We will be using our normal entrance.
  • Parents would not be allowed into the setting for now.
  • On arrival, the underneath of children shoes will be disinfected.
  • On arrival, children will have access to wash their hands and their clothing and lunch boxes wiped down with dis infecting wipes. Handwashing will be regular throughout the day.
  • Group size would be a maximum of 5 children in a bauble. This will help monitoring.
  • As children move from space to space within their small groups, there would be regular and constant wiping down of spaces and resources throughout the day.
  • Daily deep cleaning will be done at the end of each day.
  • We will be spending more time outdoors as it has been proven to reduce the risk of infections.
  • Staff have all undertaking training in Prevention of infection and Control and in Behaviour management to better support your child.
  • We will give our children cuddles and comfort. We believe the well-being of the child is very important and they need support at this time.
  • Staff and their families have the opportunity to get tested if they have any symptoms. They would only attend the setting if they are symptoms free.
  • As we cannot go on planned outing at the moment, we would take our children in their small groups on short walks
  • PPE such as masks are not required in the setting. We have always been using disposable gloves and aprons anyway. Staff may require the use of masks if looking after a child that presents with the symptoms of Covid-19
  • Play time and lunch time would be staggered
  • Children would be supported in age appropriate ways to understand the steps to keep themselves safe.

What we want you to do

  • We ask that you please be patient with us as we work to get this going.
  • Children should not be attending the setting if they present any symptoms of the Covid-19
  • Only parent who are symptom free should drop the child at the setting
  • One parent per family for dropping offs and picking up
  • When picking or dropping please maintain the social distancing measures
  • We understand that some children may be distressed for the first few days of return. A parent can come in to settle the child with minimum contact with other children and staff
  • We encourage parents to please avoid public transport when possible. If public transport is unavoidable, please follow the current government guidelines on the use of public transports (attached below)
  • Please provide individual water bottles for your child.
  • Children should be discouraged from bringing items from home unless it is essential for their well-being.
  • In the event that your child presents any symptoms of the virus, they should be picked immediately.
  • Please can we ask that you log into tapestry if you have activated your link to fill in the ‘All about me’. We are aware that our children would have learnt so much and may have different preferences from the last time they were with us. This will help us support them adequately
  • Please tell us about events that has happened, ie bereavements, traumas etc
  • If your contact phone number or address has changed, please update them with us.

Ultimately, the choice to send your child back to the nursery school is yours. These are just some initial guideline to explain how the setting would operate when we resume.We are aware of the challenges and anxieties some of these changes may cause everyone, we want to assure you we will try our utmost to support as best we can.

We will be sending you a copy of our risk assessment.

We are very much looking forward to having our children back; we have missed them all so much.

We will also be calling you again to give more details about days of attendance and staggered drop offs and pick-ups if you decide to bring your child back to the setting.

We welcome your suggestions, we are all in this together (at different levels).

Please feel free to email us.

Thank you for your continued support.

Link to some documents setting out the government guidelines


