As more infections become prevalent, we have to take more stringent steps to ensure the safety of our children and staff.

From Monday January 25th, all parents will be required to wear masks or visors during drop-off and pick-up, except they are exempt for medical reasons. Our staff will be wearing their visors too.

Also, when handing your child over to a member of staff, especially the babies, could we please request that at that moment, you do not speak until the baby is handed over and the staff has stepped back.

We are still insisting on one parent per pick-up and drop-off and please we cannot have discussions at the door anymore.

Please call or email if there are any queries, request or comments.

We are in the process of becoming a devolved test hub where our staff will have the lateral flow test twice a week. Rest assured that your child and our safety are paramount.

We will continue to get our children to wash hands regularly and speak to them about proper hygiene: catch it, bin it and wash your hands.


May we request that you kindly let us know if you or your child has been in contact with someone who has the virus.

Please do not bring your child to the nursery if:

  • they have a temperature
  • they have a new continuous cough that lasts for more than an hour
  • they have an unusual blotched skin or small red spots that covers the whole body
  • they have non-stop diarrhoea 

If they have any of these symptoms and you are unsure, please get your child tested.

Hopefully, we will soon be able to return to some sort of normalcy. We appreciate your support and co-operation.