Dear Parent,

There have been confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the nursery school and your child may have been in close contact of the affected staff members.

As per national guidance, we have closed the nursery until the 8th of February 2021. This will be 10 full days since the last possible exposure/contact with the confirmed cases. It is important that we all play our part in reducing the spread of infection in our school and community. 

Based on the advice from the Department of Education, tests are not required unless a child/parent begins to show any of the symptoms. Since we took precautions all along by avoiding contact with parents who were also mandated to wear face masks to the setting, we do not think that any parent should self-isolate. If in doubt, however, please get a test done.

Before now, Early Years settings were no longer required to organise children and staff into bubbles. We were advised to return to normal group sizes based on the fact that the overall risk to children from coronavirus (COVID-19) is low. Hard as we tried, social distancing amongst children was virtually impossible. Also because we are a small nursery with most children in the main hall, it was impossible to keep children apart. This means NHS Test and Trace may not be feasible. So, as a precautionary measure, we decided to close the nursery in the interest of everyone. This is a control measure in place to prevent the spread of the infection. In the meantime, if you or your child develops any symptoms, please book a test.

What we will do next:

  1. We have been in touch with the Department for Education helpline on Covid-19
  2. Our Local authority and Ofsted will be informed.
  3. Arrangement for a deep cleaning of the whole setting
  4. Continue to review our risk assessment
  5. While in the process of becoming a lateral flow test site for our staff, every member is continuously getting tested
  6. Try to send out activities on Tapestry for the children. 
  7. Keep you updated of any changes.

Fee will not be charged for this period. Please if you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]